Important News

School Visitation

Please review the school visitation guidelines

PBIS Update 2-9-18

Please ask your child how s/he is spending his/her well-earned Gordy Bucks for demonstrating 3R behaviors (Respectful/Responsible/Ready). Check out how you can encourage him/her for the weekly/bi-weekly grade level celebrations.

Media Moment

"Last Boy at St. Edith's" has been removed as a book selection for the Battle of the Books.

Girls on the Run

Registration opens on Sunday, February 11th at noon.

Six Flags Read to Succeed

Don't forget to turn in your reading log by February 20, 2018 or you will miss out on your free Six Flags Admission.

Media Moment

Does your student have a library card? The answer is yes for all students! Find out more....

What Parents and Students Need to Know

As our children continue to be products of the technology generation, it is very important we learn ways to keep them safe! Please consider attending this free program to learn about ways to keep them safe on the internet and out of the hands of predators. Another topic discussed will also be the increased opioid use seen in Howard County and how to address this topic with your child(ren).