Important News

PTA News 10/26/18

Trunk or Treat, Roller Skate Night, Multicultural Night, PTA Meeting, get all the details about the exciting things the PTA is doing....

PBIS Updates

PBIS Quarter 1 Acknowledgements and School Wide PBIS Celebration

PTA News 10/12/18

Don't miss all the fun! Find out what is happening......

Young Authors' Contest

This is a contest for students in grades 2-5 who enjoy writing short stories or poems. Get all the details here.....

Book Drive

Please consider donating some of your used books....

Academia Para Padres, Parent Academy

Programa en español, diseñado para padres con estudiantes de Pre-Kinder a quinto grado en el Sistema de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Howard. A program in Spanish, designed for parents with students in Pre-K through fifth grade in the Howard County Public School System.