Dismissal Reminders

Tue, 11/24/2015 - 11:20am

Car Loop Reminders:
If you are in the car loop, please display your student sign to pick up.

If you do not have a sign you will be kindly asked to park, come to the front office and show ID to ensure we are sending every child home with the proper individuals. Finally, please follow the directions of staff members during dismissal to ensure the process remains safe.

Parking at MHMS Reminders:
If you park in the Murray Hill Middle School parking lot, please use the sidewalks when returning to your car with your child. Please do not walk through the car loop.

Arrival & Dismissal Times:
 Supervision begins at 9:10 am for students. For the safety of all students, please do not drop students off before this time. Student dismissal begins at 3:45 and ends at 4:00.

Bus Reminders:
Please have a discussion with your child and remind them about staying in their assigned bus seat, staying seated on the bus, and using kind words.

We appreciate your support as we try to make arrival and dismissal safe for everyone.