Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

What is PBIS?

PBIS is a research-based, school-wide systems approach to improve school climate and create safer and more effective schools.  The PBIS process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach expectations and support positive behavior for all students.


Why do we have PBIS at our school?

We acknowledge students for positive behavior. At Gorman Crossing, we focus on the following “3R” behaviors:

  • Respectful

  • Responsible

  • Ready

Students who are “caught” demonstrating the 3R’s are rewarded with Gordy Bucks. Gordy Bucks are given out all over the school building! So, students constantly have the opportunity to earn money! Students can spend their money in the following ways:

  • Individual rewards provided by classroom teacher

  • Class rewards

  • Grade level rewards on either a weekly or bi-weekly basis - depending on the grade level

  • Quarterly PBIS celebrations

Students also have the ability to earn Golden Gator Awards. Almost weekly, 3 students from each class are nominated with an award certificate for one of the following awards: Respectful, Responsible, or Ready behaviors. Students who receive these awards are also given a $5 Gordy Buck AND get their names in the weekly school newsletters.

In the event that a student’s behavior is not reflective of the 3R’s and requires attention from a staff member, one or more of the following may occur:

  • Individual and private student conference between student and teacher

  • Pause & Reflect Form (5th grade only)

  • Reflection Form

  • Phone call home

  • Teacher/Parent Conference

  • Teacher/Parent/Student Conference

  • Office Referral

Data is collected and analyzed to categorize high frequency behavioral issues and is used as an intugal part of the school-based problem solving teams of: PBIS, Grade Level Team Meetings, Instructional Team Leader Meetings, and Student Support Team Meetings.