Counselors' Corner 10/22/18
Katie Tasch: (M-F) Servicing: 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th
Sarah Coppi: (M, T, designated F) Servicing: K & 3rd
Classroom Guidance with Mrs. Tasch
This year, those students in grades 1, 2, 4, & 5 will receive classroom guidance lessons in rotations. Each rotation is broken into approximately 2 six week cycles. During the first 6 weeks, grades 1 & 5 receive 3 classroom guidance lessons. During the second 6 weeks, grades 2 & 4 receive 3 classroom guidance lessons. Lessons take place in individual classrooms. Currently, students in grades 1 & 5 are receiving classroom guidance lessons. They will participate in the following 3 lessons which are projected to be completed on or before October 26th:
First Grade
Lesson 3 – Students participate in a tower building activity in order to promote an understanding of how to work cooperatively in a group to accomplish a task. (School Counseling Core Curriculum.)
Fifth Grade
Lesson 2 & 3 – Students identify responsible communication skills to respond to various types of bullying in order to promote social and emotional safety and well-being. (School Counseling Core Curriculum.)
Second and Fourth Grades
Students will participate in 3 classroom guidance lessons between October 29th and December 14th. More information about these lessons will follow at a later date.
You can reach Mrs. Tasch by phone 410-880-5900 or by email:
Classroom Guidance with Mrs. Coppi
Students are learning about the whole-body process of listening through the book Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen. Howard will show up in many of the Kindergarten lessons this year as he learns about ways to handle tough feelings and situations. Please look out for the take home letter and “6-point check” that you can use at home to reinforce good listening skills.
Third Grade
Lessons 1, 2 & 3 Students are focusing on an anti-bullying unit through the use of a series of books that tell the same story from different perspectives- the target, bystander and bully. The first lesson focuses on Weird! By Erin Frankel as told by the target, Luisa. Students are following up rich discussions on each character’s perspective with ways to empower each character within their role in the conflict. Students work, done in class, will be used for a Health grade.
Food for Thought
Are you reading with your child? Did you know that it is still important to read aloud to your school-aged child (this includes 5th graders…and beyond)?
Rasmussen College points to the following benefits of reading to your child during the school-age years (5-12):
• Increased vocabulary
• Encourages independent reading
• Increases empathy in children
• Develops children’s advanced literacy skills.
For more detailed information and for information about reading benefits for the pre and post school aged years please visit:
Additionally, the Reading Foundation suggests reading to your child at least 20 minutes a day. This can be hard in our busy lives, but incorporating it into the bedtime routine or morning routine might be a great way to squeeze in this beneficial and bonding activity. Good luck and keep reading!
PBIS Quarter 1 Acknowledgements
So, how are the kids spending their hard-earned Gordy Bucks? Find your child/ren’s grade level below to find out! Happy Spending!
10/26/18 Funky Feet Day
11/2/18 Shaving Cream Party
10/26/18 Team Building (Minute to Win it pasta challenge)
11/2/18 Fun Friday (Relay Races, cup stacking, obstacle course)
10/26/18 Gordy Store-Team Building Heads Up
11/2/18 Gordy Store-Computers-PBIS
Oct. 26 – Fri. Respectful Bring a Game from Home (no electronics)
Nov. 2 – Fri. Responsible Stuffed Animal Day
10/26/18 Coupons
10/31/18 School Wide PBIS
11/2/18 Coupons
10/26/18 PJ/Movie
October 31st – School-wide PBIS Celebration
The results are in!!!!! The top choices for the first school-wide celebration of the 2019-19 school year are as follows:
Primary (K-2) 2:30 – 3:30
• Cooking – permission slip, donations, and volunteers wanted! (More info to follow.)
• Crafts
• Dance Party
• Extra Recess
• Campus Clean up
• Sports rotation (limbo, hoops, and soccer)
Intermediate (3 – 5) 9:30 – 10:30
• Dance Party
• Extra Recess
• Crafts
• Drawing/Art
• Conductive Playdough and Body Art
• Sports Rotation (limbo, hoops, and soccer)
• Service Project (making scarves and hats for the needy and cards for to brighten nursing home patient’s days)
Ask your child how s/he is choosing to spend his/her hard-earned Gordy Bucks and Time.
Note: Students may only select one of the above categories for the celebration time period.