Updated Messages from Health Room



Vision & Hearing Screening:

Due to inclement weather, our Vision and Hearing screening has been moved to next week: Wednesday, March 22nd.  The
Howard County Health Department will be at Gorman Crossing performing Vision and Hearing screening. All Pre-K (Not RECC), K, 1st grade and students new to the state of Maryland school system and students that have been referred and have signed consent will be screened. If your child wears glasses, make sure they bring them to school on March 22nd for the screening. 

Thank you,

If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help with the screening, please contact the health room at 410-880-5905.

School Fever Policy:
Just a reminder, Howard County Public Schools require that any student with a temperature over 100F be picked up from school. Children then should remain home until fever free WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol or Motrin) for 24 hours.
Check your child's temperature about every 4-6 hours when awake. Encourage fluids. Consult with your health care provider if fever persists and/or worsens. Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently. Persons coming into contact with the child should also wash their hands.