Welcome Back Gorman Crossing Families & Friends

Hello Gorman Crossing Families & Friends,

I hope this email finds you relaxed and ready to start the new year! We are busy planning and preparing for the 2014- 2015 school year and we hope you are ready, too.

As you begin to think about the upcoming school year, we want to share a few important dates and times for you to come up to the school, meet the teachers and staff, and see all of the work that has been done to make our school so amazing!

Important Dates

Thursday, August 21

4:00 p.m. Class Lists posted at the school

Friday, August 22nd
10:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. Kindergarten Orientation
This is an orientation for our Kindergarten families. Come meet the teachers and see your classroom!

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Open House
All students and families in grades 1 – 5 are encouraged to come in, meet your teacher, drop off your supplies, and see your classroom!


Monday, August 25th

School Opens for Students (K-5)  


September 15th Back to School Night K – 2, 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
September 16th Back to School Night 3 -5, 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
September 16th GT Information Session, 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center
Bus Schedules

The 2014-15 bus schedules have been posted under the school and bus locator on the main page of the HCPSS website.  


Website Updates!

The new Gorman Crossing website is now up and running! While it is still a work in progress, we hope the information posted is useful as a reference.  You will be able to see a full list of staff members, new teachers, our school calendar, and important information.  The new HCPSS website was launched this week.  Both websites help you access information on whatever device you choose.


New Lobby Guard Kiosk

HCPSS is taking new steps to secure our students, staff, and buildings.  Part of the system-wide implementation last year was the installation of our new security doors.  This year, HCPSS is implementing a new visitor sign-in/sign-out system that will start on the first day of school. In order to sign-in, you will need your driver’s license.  The system will print a visitor badge that you will need to sign out.  More information about Lobby Guard will follow shortly.


Family Portal and Updating Emergency Information

In order to prepare for the first day of school, we are asking for all families to update their emergency information online through the HCPSS Family Portal.   You will be able to access last year’s information, make necessary updates, and copy information from one child’s form to another.  The process will be much easier than previous years!  Instructions will follow next week.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here at school, 410-880-5900, or email me, deborah_caldwell@hcpss.org.

 I look forward to seeing all of you at the many events we are hosting to kick off the school year. See you soon!



Deborah H. Caldwell
