And the Raffle Winners Are...

And the Winners Are….

Thanks for participating in the PTA Raffle during the Back to School Picnic. If you have the winning ticket put it in an envelope with the prize you won and turn it in to Mr. Hoffman


Lunch Bunch Baking Fun with Miss Hewitt

568823, 569374, 568824, 568711, 568017


Drench Miss Kul

568600, 568273, 569253


Manicures and Bracelet Making with Mrs. Z

568486, 569340, 569186, 569151


Lunch Bunch with Mrs. Sutcliff

568846, 568778


Lego Challenge with Mrs. McQueen



Principal for the Morning with Ms. Holmes



Lunch Bunch with Ms. Landis

569396, 568335


Board Games and Card Games at Recess with Ms. Coughlan and Mrs. Shepet

568292, 569356


Piano Lesson with Ms. Styer

568467, 568402, 568470


Coldstone Creamery with Mr. Hoffman

569330, 568451, 568306, 568753


Football with Mr. Collins and Mr. Jackson

568995, 568284


Night at the Movies with the 1st Grade Team

569017, 568533, 568705, 568442, 569317


Slime Party with Ms. Holden, Mrs. Keane, and Ms. Lechner

569082, 569022, 569018, 568913, 569380, 568868


Get Creative with Mrs. Rubin and Mrs. Morales

569304, 569296, 569211


Minute to Win It Mrs. Wood and Ms. Hobbs

569326, 569159, 568993, 569297, 568424


Reading Time, Popsicles, and Extra Recess with The Reading Team

568803, 568601


Afternoon Tea with Second Grade Team



Jelly Donut Breakfast with 3rd Grade

568810, 568654, 568328


Cupcakes and Crafting with Kindergarten

569081, 569128, 568578, 568836, 569077, 569120


Mr. Gibbs’ Assistant