Katie Tasch: (M-F) Servicing: 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th
Sarah Coppi: (M, T, designated F) Servicing: K & 3rd
Classroom Guidance with Mrs. Tasch
This year, those students in grades 1, 2, 4, & 5 will receive classroom guidance lessons in rotations. Each rotation is broken into approximately 2 six week cycles. During the first 6 weeks, grades 1 & 5 receive 3 classroom guidance lessons. During the second 6 weeks, grades 2 & 4 receive 3 classroom guidance lessons. Lessons take place in individual classrooms. Currently, students in grades 1 & 5 are receiving classroom guidance lessons. They will participate in the following 3 lessons which are projected to be completed on or before October 26th:
First Grade
Lesson 2 – Review of how to identify if a problem is small (basically, it does not fit the criteria for a BIG PROBLEM) and how to solve our small problems using Kelso’s Choices. (School Counseling Core Curriculum.)
Lesson 3 – Students participate in a tower building activity in order to promote an understanding of how to work cooperatively in a group to accomplish a task. (School Counseling Core Curriculum.)
Fifth Grade
Lesson 2 & 3 – Students identify responsible communication skills to respond to various types of bullying in order to promote social and emotional safety and well-being. (School Counseling Core Curriculum.)
Second and Fourth Grades
Students will participate in 3 classroom guidance lessons between October 29th and December 14th. More information about these lessons will follow at a later date.
You can reach Mrs. Tasch by phone 410-880-5900 or by email: Katie_Tasch@hcpss.org
Food for Thought
Did you know, October is Bullying Prevention Month? How can one tell the difference between normal peer conflict and bullying? Below is a chart to help clarify the differences:
Peer Conflict
1. Peers have equal power or are friends with each other
2. Conflict happens occasionally or rarely
3. May be accidental
4. May not be serious; no threat of harm
5. Equal emotional reaction from both peers
6. Not seeking power or attention and not trying to gain something
7. General remorse – will want to take responsibility
8. Effort on both sides to solve problem
1. Imbalance of power between peers; not friends
2. Repeated negative actions that happens often
3. Purposefully done
4. Serious with threat of physical or emotional harm
5. Strong emotional reaction from the victim and little or no emotional reactions from person
6. Seeking power, control, or material things
7. No remorse – person blames victim; no guilt from person
8. No effort to solve problem
• Bully – the person choosing to engage in bullying behavior. Bullying behavior can be behavior toward one person or a group of people
• Target – victim
• Bystander – those who witness the bullying happening
o Helpful – those who distract the victim, stand up for the victim, or get help for the victim
o Hurtful – those who do nothing, encourage the bully to keep going, or join in the bullying behavior
Types of Bullying:
• Physical – threats of harm or physical harm designed to intimidate or scare the victim.
• Verbal – mean or hurtful words directed toward another person to hurt the victim
• Social – social behavior designed to alienate the victim.
o Ostracizing – intentionally leaving out the victim; or encouraging others to leave the victim out of social interactions to the point that the victim has no one.
o Gossip – the spreading of negative information about an individual which hurt the person’s reputation
o Rumors – lies or half lies spread about an individual designed to hurt the person’s reputation
o Relational Aggression (RA) – is nonphysical aggression towards another with the purpose of bringing down their reputation or social status or heightening one's own social status. In addition to ostracizing, gossip, and rumors, RA is also the use of friendship for the purpose of getting someone to do things. “If you play with him/her, I won’t be your friend.” “If you don’t wear jeans on a half day, you won’t be cool like us, and we can’t hang out with you.”