Updates from the Health Room

Medication Orders

All medication orders for next year need to be dated after July 1, 2018.

They must be signed by both the physician and the parent.

Forms were sent home with students who have medication in the health room this year.

Forms can also be picked up from the front office or printed from the HCPSS website at: http://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/physician-medication-form.pdf

Annual Physical Exams

If you take your child to the doctor over the summer for his/her annual physical exam make sure to get a copy to return to the health room.  We will update your child's health file and note any new health conditions. A physical exam is mandatory for all students entering Maryland Public Schools.

Immunization Update for the 2018-2019 School Year

Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires all incoming Kindergarteners, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students in the state of Maryland have TWO Chickenpox (Varicella) and TWO MMR vaccines BEFORE entering school.

Thank you!

GCES Health Room