Teacher Appreciation Week
Join us as we celebrate our fabulous teachers and staff all week long!
(Participation is voluntary but encouraged)
Monday May 7th: Manners Monday - Bring your manners to class and compliment each one of your teachers today.
Tuesday May 8th: Terrific Tuesday - Show your teachers how terrific they are by bringing in a flower of your choice to give to them.
Wednesday May 9th: Writing Wednesday - Write a special note to each of your teachers today telling them just how special they are to you!
Thursday May 10th: Thinking Thursday - Think of a positive word about your teacher or the school. Turn it in on a slip of paper and the PTA will compile it into an awesome piece of artwork to hang in the school.
Friday May 11th: Favorites Friday - Bring in a favorite snack for yourself and one for your teachers. Maybe ask them earlier in the week, what their favorites are....
Gator Jam
June 1st, 6:30-8:30 PM
Volunteers are needed for various activities. The more hands we have to help out equals more fun for all!!
Sign up here
For questions contact Erica Jones at Esssicalynn21@gmail.com