PTA Updates 2-23-18

February 27th - Ledo Pizza Night in Fulton from 4 - 8pm

March 2nd - Staff Appreciation in the teachers' lounge, The first Friday of every monthe is Staff Appreciaiton Friday. Please consider signing up to bring snacks and goodies for the teachers. Please label all ingredients if homemade. Sign up here:

March 5th - Skate Night at Laurel Skate Centre froom 7 - 9pm

March 14th - PTA meeting at 6:30pm in the Media Center. Guest speaker Dr. Christine Cloak, UMD ABCD Study

PTA Nominations Committee - Seeking committee members for the nomination committee to facilitate the PTA elections for 2018-2019. Contact

GCES 5th Grade GS Troop #10210 Advocacy Project - This troop of GCES 5th grade students is collecting toiletries for the homeless until March 16th. A list of itmes being collected can be found here:

Questions? Please contact Troop Leader, Elisabeth Kirk at