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Gorman Crossing is proud to announce we will once again be participating in The Great Kindness Challenge!
What is the GKC? During the week of January 22nd – 26th, GCES students will be joining thousands of other schools around the country and throughout the world to kick-off a month-long celebration of kindness. GCES students will be a part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will inspire and lead to more kindness, unity, and respect at school and beyond.
School-wide. Students will begin the week by watching a video of elementary students being kind to one another. Additionally, students will hear a kindness quote on the morning announcements each day during the month-long challenge. Teachers will also be given a list of the quotes and as appropriate can conduct community circles around the quotes.
Individual Challenge. On Monday, January 22nd, students will receive an age appropriate checklist of kindness activities. Students will have until Monday, February 26th to complete the activities. Once completed, checklists will get turned into Mrs. Tasch in exchange for students getting to add their Gator Print (a.k.a. handprint) to a Kindness Matters banner in the cafeteria. Also, since kindness falls under both respectful and responsible behaviors, students whom complete the challenge will also be getting a $5.00 Gordy Buck!
Let’s show School Spirit to get this Kindness Party STARTED, shall we?
Monday, January 22nd – Crazy for Kindness Day: Crazy hair and/or attire
Tuesday, January 23rd - Tied Together by Kindness Day: Wear a tie to school
Wednesday, January 24th - Powered by Kindness Day: Super Hero Gear
Thursday, January 25th – Peace, Love, and Kindness Day: Hippie Attire
Friday, January 26th – GCES Team Kindness Day: Sports Jersey’s, T-shirts, or Sweats, and/or Gorman Gear