Counselor's Corner

Wow! It has been a busy month in the world of Student Services! Just to give an overdue update, the following has taken place during Classroom Guidance this month over the course of November and December:

Kindergarten – Students listened to the story “Tattlin’ Madeline” and learned how to differentiate between a big problem and a little problem. Big problems involve one of the four below and need the nearest trusted adult for help:

    Self or Somone is HURT
    Self or Somone could get HURT
    The situation is DANGEROUS or LAW BREAKING
    There are STRANGERS

First Grade – Students heard excerpts from the story “A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue” and identified problems as either BIG or SMALL and shared ways to solve each type of problem (BIG=Nearest Trusted Adult; SMALL = Students solve independently by USING at the most TWO KELSO’S CHOICES, if after 2 KC, and the problem still exists, go to a trusted adult for help).

Second Grade – Students learned a new way to problem solve called DEBUG - Decide to ignore; Exit or walk away; Be friendly/talk friendly; Use firm words; Go to an Adult. They listened to the county generated PowerPoint story titled, “Becky’s Buggy Day.” They had opportunities to role play using both DEBUG and KELSO’S CHOICES.

Third Grade – Students explored the terms: Bullying, Bully, Bystander, Hurtful Bystander, Helpful Bystander, and Target. Through this they learned how to identify Bullying by using the acronym PIC -  Purposeful; Imbalance of power; Continual. Students also learned that Howard County takes bullying very seriously and if they or someone they know is being bullied either physically, verbally, or socially, they can fill out a Howard County “Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation” form. These forms can be found: online, in the front office, in the health office, in the counseling office, or in the library media center. Knowledge was put to use throughout the reading of “Nobody Knew What To Do.”

Fourth Grade – Students continued to explore the concept of how negative gossip and rumors ruin reputations and lead to social bullying. Students saw this play out during the read aloud of “Mr. Peabody’s Apples.” The Acronym THINK was shared with students – is it True; is it Helpful; is it Inspiring; is it Nice; is it Kind. They were encouraged to run through the acronym THINK before they decide to partake in sharing information.

Fifth Grade – Students continued reading the story “Trouble Talk.” During this part of the lesson, students further explored how to react to rumors and gossip.

Additionally, 5th grade students took part in the second Mix It Up Day: Common Ground Part I. Students participated in small groups during lunch to identify things they have in common with individuals in their small groups. Groups were intentionally created to give students opportunities to connect one-on-one and in a small group settings with other peers outside their day-to-day friendship circles.