School Supply List 2018 - 2019

Gorman Crossing School Supplies List 2018-2019

Phone: 410-880-5900 Fax: 410-880-5902 Doors Open at: 9:15 a.m. Classes Begin at: 9:25 a.m. Dismissal at: 3:55 p.m.









1 School box or Zipper Pencil Case

✓ School Box

✓ School Box

✓ Zipper Pencil Case

✓ Zipper Pencil Case(NO BOXES)

✓ Zipper Pencil Case

✓ Zipper Pencil Case

Please send your child to school with a change of clothes and a regular sized backpack. We will send a daily folder home in the back pack and we will keep the change of clothes at school. The folder, all other supplies and snack will be provided by GCES.

24 #2 Pencils (no mechanical pencils) Please resupply as needed during the year


8 Primary Pencils


1 Package of Pencil Top Erasers


2 Large Pink Erasers


1 Small Pencil Sharpener



1 Pair of Scissors

1 Ruler



1 Protractor



6 Glue Sticks Please resupply as needed during the year

1 4oz bottle of white glue


1 Box of 24 Crayons Please resupply as needed during the year

1 Pack of 8 Thin Markers



1 Pack of 8 Wide Markers


1 Pack of 12 Color Pencils


Marble Composition Books

6 Please try to get the Primary Ruled

6 Please try to get the Primary Ruled





5 Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks


2 Inch 3 Ring Binder


✓ Zipper

1 Inch 3 Ring Binder


✓ No Zippers

✓ No Zippers


1 Package of Dividers for a binder



Pocket Folders

4 Plastic No Fasteners

4 Plastic folders Preferred


6 No Fasteners

7 No Fasteners

4 With Fasteners and 3 holes

Pack of Wide Ruled Notebook Paper


1 Pack

2 Packs

3 Packs

2 Highlighters


1 Compass


Note to Parents: Please help your child by replenishing supplies during the year as needed. Donations of tissues, plastic bags, index cards and sticky notes are always welcomed. Throughout the year, your child's teacher may identify other items for donation that would be appreciated. Thank you.