Gator Spirit Week 2016

We are excited to announce our Spirit Week from October 24th to October 28th:

Monday -10/24 - Gotta Cozy Case of the Mundees

Students can stay in their school appropriate pajamas and bring their favorite stuffy, blanket, or pillow (Note: Must be able to fit in back pack. Also, no footy pajamas, please.)

Tuesday -10/25 - Team Spirit Tuesday

Students can wear the jersey, team colors, or sweatshirt of their favorite team (Note: Can be rec, high school, college, or professional team)

Wednesday-10/26 -Wacky Wednesday

Students can bring out their inner funky side by partaking in any of the following: crazy hair, funky socks, wacky glasses, and or mismatched shoes!

Thursday- 10/27 – Crusin' Through the Decades Thursday

Students can dress in apparel that may have been popular in: the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's

Friday- 10/28 - Finally...School Spirit Friday

Students can wear Spirit Wear or dress in the school colors of navy and green. 

Our culminating event will be our PBIS Celebration on Friday, October 28th. This event is held to honor our students for being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready each and every school day.