Parent Conferences - February 4th and 5th

This week marks the end of 2nd Quarter. This means that report cards and conference time are quickly approaching.  This year, all Howard County Schools began using Synergy to set up conferences. Teachers have been setting up their schedules and they are getting ready to meet with all of you.

The February conference window is from Thursday, February 4th to Friday, February 5th. There is a half-day for students on that Thursday and schools are closed for students on that Friday

Please note that individual staff members establish conference times within the window.

They may offer combinations of the following:

Thursday afternoon, Thursday evening, Friday morning, and Friday afternoon.

There will be no evening conferences on Friday.

When scheduling your conference, I encourage you to sign up early.  This conference window is shortened from the fall and therefore there are less available meeting blocks. We will do our best to accommodate all families.  Conference times will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. If you find that the teacher no longer has any available slots, please contact your child’s teacher directly.

Conference registration begins on Wednesday, January 20th at 10:00 am and it ends on Monday, February 1 at 10:00 am.

Please make sure you have an account on HCPSS Connect. If you have not done so already, log onto to set up your account. This is where you will set up your conference time.


If you have difficulty with your account, please call the front office between the hours of 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, and we will be able to provide assistance.