Speed Stacks Fundraiser for PE

Thu, 01/31/2019 - 2:37pm

We have Speed Stack Sets and Stack Mats for students to purchase here at the school with an added benefit of raising funds for our PE program!

Here's wy you should participate:

  • Sport Stacking is healthy for kids
  • Regular sets are $20.00
  • Pro Series Sets are $25.00
  • Stack Mats (mat, timer and gear bag) are $25.00
  • You pay no shipping
  • The school will earn 20% of your purchase in equipment for our PE Program
  • Speed Stack Sets and Stack Mats are available for immediate purchase on a first come, first serve basis. Students can pick from the color, design available the day they bring in their cash/check payment

Act now, we have a limited supply of colors and quantities. This student form is going home or you can print it now:


Questions? Email



